OAISYS and relevant Publications

Value Based Care patient expectations
Measuring Images of Bones and Joints
A standardized technique for lower limb radiography. Practice, applications, and error analysis. Siu D, Cooke, T.D.V., Brookehoven LD et al. (1991). Invest. Radiol. 26:71-77
A quantitative approach to radiography of the lower limb. Cooke, T.D.V., Sorbie C, Scudamore R. A. et al. J. Bone Joint Surg. 73B:715-720, 1991
Radiographic assessment of bony contributions to knee deformity. Cooke, TDV, Li, J., and Scudamore, RA Orthop. Clin. N. Amer. 25:387-393, 1994
Angular configuration of the knee. Comparison of conventional measurements and the QUESTOR Precision Radiography system. Sanfridsson J, Ryd L, Eklund K, Kouvaras Y, Jonsson K: Acta Radiol 1996 September; 37(5):633-8.
Computed Radiography for Characterization of the Weight-Bearing Knee, ACTA Radiologica, J. Sanfridsson, G. Svahn, K. Jonsson and L. Ryd 1996
Kinematics of the knee joint in deep flexion: a radiographic assessment. Hefzy MS, Kelly BP and Cooke TDV: Medical Engineering & Physics. 20, 302-307, 1998
Measuring the X-Ray: Problems and Solutions. Cooke TDV and Scudamore RA: Canadian Orthopaedic Bulletin: Oct 2004.
Measuring malalignment in knee OA. E Sled, P Costigan, TDV Cooke, C Wale, L Sheehy, H Hundt,and M Qiu, Presented OARSI Dec. 05
Frontal plane knee alignment: A call for Standardized Measurement. Cooke TDV, Sled E, Scudamore RA: J. Rheumatology 2007: 34;9;’1796-1801
Reliability of lower limb frontal plane alignment measures obtained with the use of a computer program and electronic tools. Sled Et Al. Presented SIIM Seattle 2008
Optimizing limb position for measuring knee anatomical axis alignment from standing knee radiographs. Cooke TDV and Sled EA: J. Rheumatology 2009; 36:3, 471-477.
Can Anatomic Alignment Measured from a Knee Radiograph Substitute for Mechanical alignment from Full Limb Films? Felson D, TDV Cooke, Niu J, Goggins J, Choi J,Yu J, Nevitt M Osteoarthritis and Cartilage (2009)
Measures of Alignment in Knee OA. How valid are clinical methods. Data from the Osteoarthritis Inititive. Gross KD et al: Accepted ACR 2009 and in press Annals of Internal Medicine.
Does Anatomic Alignment Consistently Predict Hip-Knee-Ankle Angle in Knee Osteoarthritis? Sheehy L, Felson D, Cooke TDV: OARSI Sep 2000
Limb Alignment
The anatomy and functional axes of the femur. Yoshioka K, Siu D and Cooke TDV (1987) JBJS Am 69: 873-880
Femoral Anteversion: An assessment based on functional Axes, Yoshioka K and Cooke TDV (1987) J. Orthop Res. 5: 86-91
Tibial anatomy and functional axes. Yoshioka, Y., Siu, D., Scudamore, R.A., Cooke, T.D.V. (1989) J. Orthop. Res., 7:132-137
The inwardly pointing knee. An unrecognized problem of external rotational mal-alignment. Cooke, T.D.V., Price, N., Fischer, B., Hedden, D. (1990): Clin. Orthop., 260:56-60
Biomechanical factors in alignment and arthritic disorders of the knee. Cooke, TDV, Bryant, JT, and Scudamore, RA, In: Knee surgery, edited by Fu, FH., Harner, C.D., and Vince, KG., Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1994, p. 1061-1078
Axial Lower-Limb Alignment: Comparison of knee geometry in normal volunteers and osteoarthritis patients. Cooke, TDV, Li J, Scudamore A, Wyss U et al. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 5(1) 39-47, January 1997
Axial Alignment of the lower Limb and its association with Disorders of the Knee. Cooke TDV, Scudamore RA, Greer W: In, Ed. Minas T, “Essentials of Alignment and Cartilage Repair of the Knee” . Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine Vol 8, #2, pp98-107 2000
Normal Knee Alignment in The Arthritic Knee Cooke TDV, Scudamore RA, Greer W, In Eds. Rosenberg AG, Mabrey JD, Woolson ST, Cole BT AAOS Multimedia Production # 04-120 AISBN 0-89203-248-0, 2000
Varus and Valgus Malalignment and Incident and Progressive Knee Osteoarthritis in MOST (Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study). Sharma et al: Presented OARSI 2008 Italy
Valgus malalignment is a risk factor for lateral knee osteoarthritis incidence and progression: Findings from the multicenter osteoarthritis study and the osteoarthritis initiative. Arthritis & Rheumatism Felson, D. T., Niu, J., Gross, K. D., Englund, M., Sharma, L., Cooke, T. D. V., Guermazi, A., Roemer, F. W., Segal, N., Goggins, J. M., Lewis, C. E., Eaton, C. and Nevitt, M. C. (2013), Arthritis & Rheumatism, 65: 355–362. doi: 10.1002/art.37726
Grading the Joint
Patterns of knee arthrosis and patellar subluxation. Harrison MM, Cooke TDV, Fisher SB, Griffin MP. Clin. Orthop. 309:56-63, 1994
A quantitative technique for reporting surface degradation patterns of UHMWPE components of retrieved total knee replacement. Cornwall GB, Bryant JT, Hansson CM, Rudan J, Kennedy LA, Cooke TDV. J. Appl. Biochem 6:9-18, 1995
Radiographic Grading for Knee Osteoarthritis: A revised scheme that relates to alignment and deformity. Cooke TDV, Kelly BP, Harrison L, Mohamed G and Khan B: J Rheumatol 1999:26, 3: 641-644
Deformity Correction and TKA
High tibial osteotomy compared with high tibial and Maquet procedures in medial and patello-femoral compartment osteoarthritis. Nguyen, C., Rudan, J., Simurda, MA, Cooke, T.D.V. (1989) Clin. Orthop., 245:179-187
Surgical implications of varus deformity of the knee with obliquity of joint surfaces. Cooke, T.D.V., Pichora, D., Siu, D., Scudamore, R.A., Bryant, JT (1989) J. Bone Joint Surg., 71B(4):560-565
Principles of Alignment in Primary and Revision Knee Replacement. Cooke, TDV. In: Joint Surgery Up to Date, ed. M. Kurosaka and K. Hirohata, 1989, pp. 59-65
The inwardly pointing knee. An unrecognized problem of external rotational mal-alignment. Cooke, T.D.V., Price, N., Fischer, B., Hedden, D. (1990): Clin. Orthop., 260:56-60
Biomechanical factors in alignment and arthritic disorders of the knee. Cooke, TDV, Bryant, JT, and Scudamore, RA, In: Knee surgery, edited by Fu, FH., Harner, C.D., and Vince, KG., Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1994, p. 1061-1078
Kinematics of the knee joint in deep flexion: a radiographic assessment. Hefzy MS, Kelly BP and Cooke TDV: Medical Engineering & Physics. 20, 302-307, 1998
Prosthetic Reconstruction of the Arthritic Knee: Considerations based on Alignment, Geometry and Soft Tissue Balance. Cooke TDV, Kelly BP, Li J, and Wyss U: The Knee, vol.V, No. 3,165-174, 1998
Development of a novel Triage Tool for Knee Osteoarthritis Harrison Mark, Cooke TDV, Hope John, Hopman W
TKA Design Instrumentation
Application of Machining Principles: Use of the Questor Saw Jig in TKR for Severe Valgus Hyperextension Osteoarthritis of the Knee. Cooke, TDV. In: Joint Surgery Up to Date, ed. M. Kurosaka and K. Hirohata, 1989, pp. 111-116
The Physiological basis for a flexible condylar tibial plateau design. Wevers, H.W., Dujovne, JA, Guzzwell, JA, Cooke, T.D.V. (1991) J. Biomed. Eng., 13:341-347
Bone strength and histomorphometry of the distal femur. Nakabayashi Y, Wevers HW, Cooke TDV, and Griffin M. J. Arthroplasty 9:307-315, 1994
Trabecular microstructure in the medial condyle of the proximal tibia of patients with knee osteoarthritis. Kamibayashi L, Wyss UP, Cooke TDV, Zee B. Bone 17:27-35, 1995
Review of Knee Models: 1996 update. Hefzy MS, Cooke, TDV Appl Mech Rev Vol. 49, no. 10 part 2, October 1996
Prosthetic Reconstruction of the Arthritic Knee: Considerations based on Alignment, Geometry and Soft Tissue Balance. Cooke TDV, Kelly BP, Li J, and Wyss U. The Knee, vol.V, No. 3,165-174, 1998
Kinematics of the knee joint in deep flexion: a radiographic assessment. Hefzy MS, Kelly BP and Cooke TDV: Medical Engineering & Physics. 20, 302-307 1998
Mechanics of the passive knee joint. Part I: The role of the tibial articular surfaces in guiding the passive motion. Amiri S, Cooke TD, Il Y Kim Il Y, Wyss U, 2006. Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine 220 (H8): 813-822.
Mechanics of the passive knee joint. PART II: Interaction between the ligaments and the articular surfaces in guiding the joint motion. Amiri S, Cooke TD, Kim I Y, Wyss U: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, In Press.
Studies on Small Joints
Geometry of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Yoshioka Y, Siu DW, Cooke TD, Bryant JT, Wyss U: J Orthop Res 1988; 6(6): 878-885. 20
Alignment of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint: Wyss, U., Cooke, T.D.V et al: Important criteria for a new joint replace. J. Biomed. Eng., 11:19-24.
Joint reaction forces at the first MTP joint in a normal elderly population. Wyss, U.P. et al: (1990). J. Biomech., 23(10):977-984.
First metatarsophalangeal joint reaction forces high-heel gait. McBride et al: Foot Ankle, TD11(5):282-288
Sterioradiogrammetric technique for estimating alignment of the joints of the hand. Runciman et al: J. Biomed. Eng. 15:99-105, 1993.